Source code for

import logging

from .base import GeocodeService
from omgeo.places import Candidate
from omgeo.preprocessors import ComposeSingleLine
from omgeo.postprocessors import AttrListExcludes

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Google(GeocodeService): """ Class to geocode using Google's geocoding API. """ _endpoint = '' DEFAULT_PREPROCESSORS = [ComposeSingleLine()] DEFAULT_POSTPROCESSORS = [ AttrListExcludes([ # The Google docs note "establishment" as: typically indicates a place # that has not yet been categorized. # # In practice though, this seems to only appear when searching by a business / location name, # or a person associated with a business or location 'establishment', ], 'entity_types') ] LOCATOR_MAPPING = { 'ROOFTOP': 'rooftop', 'RANGE_INTERPOLATED': 'interpolated', } def __init__(self, preprocessors=None, postprocessors=None, settings=None): preprocessors = self.DEFAULT_PREPROCESSORS if preprocessors is None else preprocessors postprocessors = self.DEFAULT_POSTPROCESSORS if postprocessors is None else postprocessors GeocodeService.__init__(self, preprocessors, postprocessors, settings) def _geocode(self, pq): params = { 'address': pq.query, 'key': self._settings['api_key'] } if params['components'] = 'country:' + if pq.viewbox: params['bounds'] = pq.viewbox.to_google_str() response_obj = self._get_json_obj(self._endpoint, params) return [self._make_candidate_from_result(r) for r in response_obj['results']] def _make_candidate_from_result(self, result): """ Make a Candidate from a Google geocoder results dictionary. """ candidate = Candidate() candidate.match_addr = result['formatted_address'] candidate.x = result['geometry']['location']['lng'] candidate.y = result['geometry']['location']['lat'] candidate.locator = self.LOCATOR_MAPPING.get(result['geometry']['location_type'], '') candidate.entity_types = result['types'] candidate.partial_match = result.get('partial_match', False) component_lookups = { 'city': {'type': 'locality', 'key': 'long_name'}, 'subregion': {'type': 'administrative_area_level_2', 'key': 'long_name'}, 'region': {'type': 'administrative_area_level_1', 'key': 'short_name'}, 'postal': {'type': 'postal_code', 'key': 'long_name'}, 'country': {'type': 'country', 'key': 'short_name'}, } for (field, lookup) in component_lookups.items(): setattr(candidate, 'match_' + field, self._get_component_from_result(result, lookup)) candidate.geoservice = self.__class__.__name__ return candidate def _get_component_from_result(self, result, lookup): """ Helper function to get a particular address component from a Google result. Since the address components in results are an array of objects containing a types array, we have to search for a particular component rather than being able to look it up directly. Returns the first match, so this should be used for unique component types (e.g. 'locality'), not for categories (e.g. 'political') that can describe multiple components. :arg dict result: A results dict with an 'address_components' key, as returned by the Google geocoder. :arg dict lookup: The type (e.g. 'street_number') and key ('short_name' or 'long_name') of the desired address component value. :returns: address component or empty string """ for component in result['address_components']: if lookup['type'] in component['types']: return component.get(lookup['key'], '') return ''