Source code for omgeo.preprocessors

from omgeo.processor import _Processor
import re

class _PreProcessor(_Processor):
    """Takes, processes, and returns a geocoding.places.PlaceQuery object."""
    def process(self, pq):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'PreProcessor subclasses must implement process().')

[docs]class ReplaceRangeWithNumber(_PreProcessor): """ Class to take only the first part of an address range or hyphenated house number to use for geocoding. This affects the query and address PlaceQuery attributes. =============================== ======================================== Input Output =============================== ======================================== ``4109-4113 Main St`` ``4109 Main St`` ``4109-13 Main St`` ``4109 Main St`` ``322-1/2 Water Street`` ``322 Water Street`` ``123-2 Maple Lane`` ``123 Maple Lane`` ``272-B Greenough St, 19127`` ``272 Greenough St, 19127`` ``272 Greenough St 19127-1112`` ``272 Greenough St 19127-1112`` ``19127-1112`` ``19127-1112`` (not affected) ``76-20 34th Ave, Queens NY`` ``76 34th Ave, Queens NY`` (see warning) =============================== ======================================== .. warning:: This may cause problems with addresses presented in the hyphenated Queens-style format, where the part before the hyphen indicates the cross street, and the part after indicates the house number. """ #: Regular expression to represent ranges like: #: * 789-791 #: * 789-91 #: * 201A-201B #: * 201A-B RE_STREET_NUMBER = re.compile('(^\d+\w*-\d*\w*)\s', re.IGNORECASE) def replace_range(self, addr_str): match = self.RE_STREET_NUMBER.match(addr_str) if match is not None: old = new = old.split('-', 1)[0] addr_str = addr_str.replace(old, new, 1) return addr_str
[docs] def process(self, pq): """ :arg PlaceQuery pq: PlaceQuery instance :returns: PlaceQuery instance with truncated address range / number """ pq.query = self.replace_range(pq.query) pq.address = self.replace_range(pq.address) return pq
[docs]class ParseSingleLine(_PreProcessor): """ Adapted from `Cicero Live <>`_ """ # Some Regexes: re_unit_numbered = re.compile('(su?i?te|p\W*[om]\W*b(?:ox)?|(?:ap|dep)(?:ar)?t(?:me?nt)?|ro*m|flo*r?|uni?t|bu?i?ldi?n?g|ha?nga?r|lo?t|pier|slip|spa?ce?|stop|tra?i?le?r|bo?x|no\.?)\s+|#', re.IGNORECASE) re_unit_not_numbered = re.compile('ba?se?me?n?t|fro?nt|lo?bby|lowe?r|off?i?ce?|pe?n?t?ho?u?s?e?|rear|side|uppe?r', re.IGNORECASE) re_UK_postcode = re.compile('[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9R][0-9A-Z]? *[0-9][A-Z]{0,2}', re.IGNORECASE) re_blank = re.compile('\s') def _comma_join(self, left, right): if left == '': return right else: return '%s, %s' % (left, right)
[docs] def process(self, pq): """ :arg PlaceQuery pq: PlaceQuery instance :returns: PlaceQuery instance with :py:attr:`query` converted to individual elements """ if pq.query != '': postcode = address = city = '' # define the vars we'll use # global regex postcode search, pop off last result postcode_matches = self.re_UK_postcode.findall(pq.query) if len(postcode_matches) > 0: postcode = postcode_matches[-1] query_parts = [part.strip() for part in pq.query.split(',')] if postcode is not '' and, query_parts[0]): # if postcode is in the first part of query_parts, there are probably no commas # get just the part before the postcode part_before_postcode = query_parts[0].split(postcode)[0].strip() if is None: address = part_before_postcode else: address = query_parts[0] # perhaps it isn't really a postcode (apt num, etc) else: address = query_parts[0] # no postcode to worry about for part in query_parts[1:]: part = part.strip() if postcode is not '' and, part) is not None: part = part.replace(postcode, '').strip() # if postcode is in part, remove it if is not None: # test to see if part is secondary address, like "Ste 402" address = self._comma_join(address, part) elif is not None: # ! might cause problems if 'Lower' or 'Upper' is in the city name # test to see if part is secondary address, like "Basement" address = self._comma_join(address, part) else: city = self._comma_join(city, part) # it's probably a city (or "City, County") # set pq parts if they aren't already set (we don't want to overwrite explicit params) pq.postal = pq.postal or postcode pq.address = pq.address or address = or city return pq
[docs]class ComposeSingleLine(_PreProcessor): """ Compose address components into a single-line query if no query is already defined. """ def process(self, pq): if pq.query == '': parts = [pq.address,, pq.subregion] parts.append(' '.join([p for p in (pq.state, pq.postal) if p != ''])) if != '': parts.append( pq.query = ', '.join([part for part in parts if part != '']) return pq
[docs]class CountryPreProcessor(_PreProcessor): """ Used to filter acceptable countries and standardize country names or codes. """ def __init__(self, acceptable_countries=None, country_map=None): """ :arg list acceptable_countries: A list of acceptable countries. None is used to indicate that all countries are acceptable. (default ``[]``) An empty string is also an acceptable country. To require a country, use the `RequireCountry` preprocessor. :arg dict country_map: A map of the input property to the country value accepted by the geocoding service. For example, suppose that the geocoding service recognizes 'GB', but not 'UK' -- and 'US', but not 'USA':: country_map = {'UK':'GB', 'USA':'US'} """ self.acceptable_countries = acceptable_countries if acceptable_countries is not None else [] self.country_map = country_map if country_map is not None else {}
[docs] def process(self, pq): """ :arg PlaceQuery pq: PlaceQuery instance :returns: modified PlaceQuery, or ``False`` if country is not acceptable. """ # Map country, but don't let map overwrite if not in self.acceptable_countries and in self.country_map: = self.country_map[] if != '' and \ self.acceptable_countries != [] and \ not in self.acceptable_countries: return False return pq
def __repr__(self): return '<%s: Accept %s mapped as %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.acceptable_countries, self.country_map)
[docs]class CancelIfRegexInAttr(_PreProcessor): """ Return False if given regex is found in ANY of the given PlaceQuery attributes, otherwise return original PlaceQuery instance. In the event that a given attribute does not exist in the given PlaceQuery, no exception will be raised. """ def __init__(self, regex, attrs, ignorecase=True): """ :arg str regex: a regex string to match (represents what you do *not* want) :arg attrs: a list or tuple of strings of attribute names to look through :arg bool ignorecase: set to ``False`` for a case-sensitive match (default ``True``) """ regex_type = type(regex) if type(regex) not in (str, str): raise Exception('First param "regex" must be a regex of type' ' str or unicode, not %s.' % regex_type) attrs_type = type(attrs) if attrs_type not in (list, tuple): raise Exception('Second param "attrs" must be a list or tuple' ' of PlaceQuery attributes, not %s.' % attrs_type) if any(type(attr) not in (str, str) for attr in attrs): raise Exception('All given PlaceQuery attributes must be strings.') self.attrs = attrs if ignorecase: self.regex = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE) else: self.regex = re.compile(regex) def process(self, pq): attrs = [getattr(pq, attr) for attr in self.attrs if hasattr(pq, attr)] if any([self.regex.match(attr) is not None for attr in attrs]): return False # if a match is found return pq def __repr__(self): case_sensitive = 'insensitive' if self.ignorecase else 'sensitive' return '<%s: Break if %s in %s (case %s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.regex, self.attrs, case_sensitive)
class CancelIfPOBox(_PreProcessor): def process(self, pq): """ :arg PlaceQuery pq: PlaceQuery instance :returns: ``False`` if the address is starts with any variation of "PO Box". Otherwise, return original :py:class:`PlaceQuery`. """ regex = r'^\s*P\.?\s*O\.?\s*B\.?O?X?[\s\d]' return CancelIfRegexInAttr(regex, ('address', 'query')).process(pq)
[docs]class RequireCountry(_PreProcessor): """ Return False if no default country is set in first parameter. Otherwise, return the default country if country is empty. """ def __init__(self, default_country=''): """ :arg str default_country: default country to use if there is no country set in the PlaceQuery instance sent to this processor. If this argument is not set or empty and PlaceQuery instance does not have a country ( == ''), the processor will return False and the PlaceQuery will be rejected during geocoding. (default ``''``) """ self.default_country = default_country
[docs] def process(self, pq): """ :arg PlaceQuery pq: PlaceQuery instance :returns: One of the three following values: * unmodified PlaceQuery instance if is not empty * PlaceQuery instance with changed to default country. * ``False`` if is empty and self.default_country == ''. """ if == '': if self.default_country == '': return False else: = self.default_country return pq