Source code for

from .base import GeocodeService
import logging
from omgeo.places import Candidate
from omgeo.preprocessors import ReplaceRangeWithNumber
from posixpath import join as posixjoin

    # python 3
    from urllib.parse import urljoin
except ImportError:
    # python 2
    from urlparse import urljoin

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Pelias(GeocodeService): """ Class to geocode using `Pelias search service <>`_. Settings used by the Pelias GeocodeService object include: * api_key -- The API key used to access search service. """ _wkid = 4326 # 766-68 Any St. -> 766 Any St. DEFAULT_PREPROCESSORS = [ReplaceRangeWithNumber()] DEFAULT_POSTPROCESSORS = [] def __init__(self, preprocessors=None, postprocessors=None, settings=None): if 'api_version' in settings: self._api_version = 'v' + str(settings['api_version']) else: self._api_version = 'v1' if 'instance_url' in settings: self._base_url = settings['instance_url'] else: self._base_url = '' self._default_endpoint = urljoin(self._base_url, posixjoin(self._api_version, 'search')) self._key_endpoint = urljoin(self._base_url, posixjoin(self._api_version, 'place')) self._endpoint = self._default_endpoint preprocessors = Pelias.DEFAULT_PREPROCESSORS if preprocessors is None else preprocessors postprocessors = Pelias.DEFAULT_POSTPROCESSORS if postprocessors is None else postprocessors GeocodeService.__init__(self, preprocessors, postprocessors, settings) def _geocode(self, pq): query = {'text': pq.query} if query = dict(query, **{'':}) if pq.viewbox is not None: box = pq.viewbox.to_pelias_dict() query = dict(query, **box) if hasattr(pq, 'key'): # Swap to the place endpoint and return a single result. self._endpoint = self._key_endpoint query = {'ids': pq.key} if 'api_key' in self._settings: query['api_key'] = self._settings['api_key'] response_obj = self._get_json_obj(self._endpoint, query) returned_candidates = [] # this will be the list returned features_in_response = response_obj['features'] for r in features_in_response: properties = r['properties'] geometry = r['geometry'] score = 100 * float(properties['confidence']) if 'confidence' in properties else 0 locality = properties['locality'] if 'locality' in properties else '' region = properties['region'] if 'region' in properties else '' label = properties['label'] if 'label' in properties else '' layer = properties['layer'] if 'layer' in properties else '' c = Candidate() c.locator = layer c.match_addr = label c.match_region = region c.match_city = locality c.locator_type = layer c.x = float(geometry['coordinates'][0]) c.y = float(geometry['coordinates'][1]) c.score = score c.wkid = self._wkid c.geoservice = self.__class__.__name__ returned_candidates.append(c) return returned_candidates