Source code for

import copy
from datetime import datetime
from json import loads
import logging
from traceback import format_exc
from xml.dom import minidom

import requests

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class UpstreamResponseInfo():
    Description of API call result from an upstream provider.
    For cleaning and consistency, set attributes using the given methods
    (the constructor will automatically use these methods, as well).

    def set_response_code(self, response_code):
        if response_code is not None and type(response_code) is not int:
            raise Exception('response_code must be an integer.')
            self.response_code = response_code

    def set_response_time(self, response_time):
        if response_time is not None:
            if type(response_time) not in (int, float):
                raise Exception('If response_time is provided,'
                                'it must be an integer or float.')
            elif response_time < 0:
                raise Exception('response_time cannot be negative.')
            self.response_time = int(round(response_time))
            self.response_time = None

    def set_success(self, success):
        if type(success) is not bool:
            raise ('success must be a boolean value.')
            self.success = success

    def __init__(self, geoservice, processed_pq, response_code=None, response_time=None,
                 success=True, errors=None):
        :arg str geoservice: name of the upstream provider used (required)
        :arg PlaceQuery processed_pq: Processed PlaceQuery object (required)
        :arg response_code: HTTP response code (default None)
        :arg response_time: time in milliseconds that it takes to get a
                            response (default None)
        :arg bool success: indicates if the API call was successful. A 200 response
                           with no candidates is still considered a success.
                           (default True)
        :arg list errors: human-readable error descriptions

        if errors is None:
            errors = []
        self.geoservice = geoservice
        self.processed_pq = processed_pq
        self.errors = errors

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.response_code is None:
            repr_ = '%s %sms' % (self.geoservice, self.response_time)
            repr_ = '%s %s %sms' % (self.geoservice, self.response_code, self.response_time)
        return '<%s>' % repr_

class GeocodeService():
    Base class for geocoding API wrappers

    #: API base endpoint URL to use
    _endpoint = ''

    def __init__(self, preprocessors=None, postprocessors=None,
        Overwrite _preprocessors, _postprocessors, and _settings
        if they are set.

        #: Preprocessor classes to apply to the given PlaceQuery, usually
        #: overwritten in subclass.
        self._preprocessors = []

        #: Postprocessor classes to apply to the list of Candidates obtained,
        #: usually overwritten in subclass.
        self._postprocessors = []

        #: Settings for this geocoder, usually overwritten by subclass
        self._settings = {}

        if preprocessors is not None:
            self._preprocessors = preprocessors
        if postprocessors is not None:
            self._postprocessors = postprocessors
        if settings is not None:
            for key in settings:
                self._settings[key] = settings[key]

    def _settings_checker(self, required_settings=None, accept_none=True):
        Take a list of required _settings dictionary keys
        and make sure they are set. This can be added to a custom
        constructor in a subclass and tested to see if it returns ``True``.

        :arg list required_settings: A list of required keys to look for.
        :arg bool accept_none: Boolean set to True if None is an acceptable
                               setting. Set to False if None is not an
                               acceptable setting.

        :returns: * bool ``True`` if all required settings exist, OR
                  * str <key name> for the first key missing from _settings.
        if required_settings is not None:
            for keyname in required_settings:
                if keyname not in self._settings:
                    return keyname
                if accept_none is False and self._settings[keyname] is None:
                    return keyname
        return True

    def _get_response(self, endpoint, query, is_post=False):
        """Returns response or False in event of failure"""
        timeout_secs = self._settings.get('timeout', 10)
        headers = self._settings.get('request_headers', {})
            if is_post:
                response =
                    endpoint, data=query, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_secs)
                response = requests.get(
                    endpoint, params=query, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_secs)
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
            raise Exception(
                'API request timed out after %s seconds.' % timeout_secs)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

        if response.status_code != 200:
            raise Exception('Received status code %s from %s. Content is:\n%s'
                            % (response.status_code,
        return response

    def _get_json_obj(self, endpoint, query, is_post=False):
        Return False if connection could not be made.
        Otherwise, return a response object from JSON.
        response = self._get_response(endpoint, query, is_post=is_post)
        content = response.text
            return loads(content)
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception('Could not decode content to JSON:\n%s'
                            % self.__class__.__name__, content)

    def _get_xml_doc(self, endpoint, query, is_post=False):
        Return False if connection could not be made.
        Otherwise, return a minidom Document.
        response = self._get_response(endpoint, query, is_post=is_post)
        return minidom.parse(response.text)

    def _geocode(self, place_query):
        Given a (preprocessed) PlaceQuery object,
        return a list of of Candidate objects.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'GeocodeService subclasses must implement _geocode().')

    def geocode(self, pq):
        :arg PlaceQuery pq: PlaceQuery instance
        :rtype: tuple
        :returns: post-processed list of Candidate objects and
                  and UpstreamResponseInfo object if an API call was made.


                  Preprocessor throws out request::

                      ([], None)

                  Postprocessor throws out some candidates::

                      ([<Candidate obj>, <Candidate obj>, ...], <UpstreamResponseInfo obj>)

                  Postprocessor throws out all candidates::

                      ([], <UpstreamResponseInfo obj>)

                  An exception occurs while making the API call::

                      ([], <UpstreamResponseInfo obj>)

        processed_pq = copy.copy(pq)
        for p in self._preprocessors:
            processed_pq = p.process(processed_pq)
            if not processed_pq:
                return [], None
        upstream_response_info = UpstreamResponseInfo(self.get_service_name(),
            start =
            candidates = self._geocode(processed_pq)
            end =
            response_time_sec = (end - start).total_seconds()
            upstream_response_info.set_response_time(1000 * response_time_sec)
        except Exception:
            return [], upstream_response_info
        if len(candidates) > 0:
            for p in self._postprocessors:  # apply universal candidate postprocessing
                candidates = p.process(candidates)  # merge lists
        return candidates, upstream_response_info

    def get_service_name(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__