Source code for omgeo.places

[docs]class Viewbox(): """ Class representing a bounding box. Defaults to maximum bounds for WKID 4326. """
[docs] def convert_srs(self, new_wkid): """Return a new Viewbox object with the specified SRS.""" return self # not yet implemented
def __init__(self, left=-180, top=90, right=180, bottom=-90, wkid=4326): """ :arg left: Minimum X value (default ``-180``) :arg top: Maximum Y value (default ``90``) :arg right: Maximum X value (default ``180``) :arg bottom: Minimum Y value (default ``-90``) :arg wkid: Well-known ID for spatial reference system (default ``4326``) """ bounds = left, right, bottom, top if not all([isinstance(x, (int, float)) for x in bounds]): raise ValueError('One or more bounds (%s) is not a real number.' % bounds) if left > right: raise ValueError('Left x-coord must be less than right x-coord.') if bottom > top: raise ValueError('Bottom y-coord must be less than top y-coord.') for k in list(locals().keys()): if k != 'self': setattr(self, k, locals()[k])
[docs] def to_bing_str(self): """ Convert Viewbox object to a string that can be used by Bing as a query parameter. """ vb = self.convert_srs(4326) return '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (vb.bottom, vb.left,, vb.right)
[docs] def to_pelias_dict(self): """ Convert Viewbox object to a string that can be used by Pelias as a query parameter. """ vb = self.convert_srs(4326) return { 'boundary.rect.min_lat': vb.bottom, 'boundary.rect.min_lon': vb.left, 'boundary.rect.max_lat':, 'boundary.rect.max_lon': vb.right }
[docs] def to_google_str(self): """ Convert to Google's bounds format: 'latMin,lonMin|latMax,lonMax' """ vb = self.convert_srs(4326) return '%s,%s|%s,%s' % (vb.bottom, vb.left,, vb.right)
[docs] def to_mapquest_str(self): """ Convert Viewbox object to a string that can be used by `MapQuest <>`_ as a query parameter. """ vb = self.convert_srs(4326) return '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (vb.left,, vb.right, vb.bottom)
[docs] def to_esri_wgs_json(self): """ Convert Viewbox object to a JSON string that can be used by the ESRI World Geocoding Service as a parameter. """ try: return ('{ "xmin" : %s, ' '"ymin" : %s, ' '"xmax" : %s, ' '"ymax" : %s, ' '"spatialReference" : {"wkid" : %d} }' % (self.left, self.bottom, self.right,, self.wkid)) except ValueError: raise Exception('One or more values could not be cast to a number. ' 'Four bounding points must be real numbers. ' 'WKID must be an integer.')
def __repr__(self): top = "y=%s" % right = "x=%s" % self.right bottom = "y=%s" % self.bottom left = "x=%s" % self.left def lbl(str_, align='L'): MAX_CHARS = 8 str_len = len(str_) if str_len > MAX_CHARS: return str_[:MAX_CHARS] if align == 'L': return str_ num_spaces = (MAX_CHARS - str_len) # num spaces to pad right-aligned if align == 'C': num_spaces = int(num_spaces / 2) padding = num_spaces * ' ' return '%s%s' % (padding, str_) return ' %s\n'\ ' ------------\n'\ ' | |\n'\ '%s| |%s\n'\ ' | |\n'\ ' ------------\n'\ ' %s' % (lbl(top, 'C'), lbl(left, 'R'), lbl(right, 'L'), lbl(bottom, 'C'))
[docs]class PlaceQuery(): """ Class representing an address or place that will be passed to geocoders. """ def __init__(self, query='', address='', neighborhood='', city='', subregion='', state='', postal='', country='', viewbox=None, bounded=False, **kwargs): """ :arg str query: A string containing the query to parse and match to a coordinate on the map. *ex: "340 N 12th St Philadelphia PA 19107" or "Wolf Building, Philadelphia"* :arg str address: A string for the street line of an address. *ex: "340 N 12th St"* :arg str neighborhood: A string for the subdivision of a city. Not used in US addresses, but used in Mexico and other places. :arg str city: A string specifying the populated place for the address. This commonly refers to a city, but may refer to a suburb or neighborhood in certain countries. :arg str subregion: A string for a region between the city and state level. Not used in US addresses. :arg str state: A string for the state, province, territory, etc. :arg str postal: A string for the postal / ZIP Code :arg str country: A string for the country or region. Because the geocoder uses the country to determine which geocoding service to use, this is strongly recommended for efficency. ISO alpha-2 is preferred, and is required by some geocoder services. :arg Viewbox viewbox: A Viewbox object indicating the preferred area to find search results (default ``None``) :arg bool bounded: Boolean indicating whether or not to only return candidates within the given Viewbox (default ``False``) :key float user_lat: A float representing the Latitude of the end-user. :key float user_lon: A float representing the Longitude of the end-user. :key str user_ip: A string representing the IP address of the end-user. :key str culture: Culture code to be used for the request (used by Bing). For example, if set to 'de', the country for a U.S. address would be returned as "Vereinigte Staaten Von Amerika" instead of "United States". """ for k in list(locals().keys()): if k not in ['self', 'kwargs']: setattr(self, k, locals()[k]) if query == '' and address == '' and city == '' and state == '' and postal == '': raise Exception('Must provide query or one or more of address, city, state, and postal.') for k in kwargs: setattr(self, k, kwargs[k]) def __repr__(self): return '<%s%s %s>' % (self.query, self.address, self.postal)
[docs]class Candidate(): """ Class representing a candidate address returned from geocoders. Accepts arguments defined below, plus informal keyword arguments. Usage Example:: c = Candidate('US_RoofTop', 91.5, '340 N 12th St, Philadelphia, PA, 19107', '-75.16', '39.95', some_key_foo='bar') """ def __init__(self, locator='', score=0, match_addr='', x=None, y=None, wkid=4326, **kwargs): """ :arg locator: Locator used for geocoding (default ``''``) We try to standardize this to * ``rooftop``, * ``interpolated``, * ``postal_specific``, and * ``postal``. :arg score: Standardized score (default ``0``) :arg str match_addr: Address returned by geocoder (default ``''``) :arg x: X-coordinate (longitude for lat-lon SRS) (default ``None``) :arg y: Y-coordinate (latitude for lat-lon SRS) (default ``None``) :arg wkid: Well-known ID for spatial reference system (default ``4326``) Keyword arguments can be added in order to be able to use postprocessors with API output fields are not well-fitted for one of the definitions above. If possible, it is suggested for geocoders to additionally return the following address components: * match_streetaddr (the street address, e.g. '340 N 12th Street') * match_city * match_subregion (county) * match_region (state / province) * match_postal * match_country However, these are not required. Currently the EsriWGS and US Census geocoders return these values. """ for k in list(locals().keys()): if k not in ['self', 'kwargs']: setattr(self, k, locals()[k]) for k in kwargs: setattr(self, k, kwargs[k]) def __repr__(self): if self.match_addr == '': match_addr = '(no address specified)' else: match_addr = self.match_addr if self.x is None: x = '(no x coord specified)' else: x = self.x if self.y is None: y = '(no y coord specified)' else: y = self.y geoservice = '%s' % getattr(self, 'geoservice', '(no geoservice specified') return '<%s (%s, %s) %s>' % (match_addr, x, y, geoservice)